Adding Google Adsens to your self-hosted WordPress Blog

One of the most common ways to earn some money with your Blog is by using some type of advertising. AdSense is one of those advertising channels, people can by advertising for a certain cost per click (CPC) in Adwords. These ads will then be posted on those sites that have signed up with AdSense. You’ll earn a whopping 69% of the CPC cost. Now, let’s find out how you can start making some money!

  1. Download the Google AdSense Plugin and upload it, or add the Plugin via the search function in your Plugin menu.
  2. Activate the Plugin.
  3. Copy your Publisher code, it’s visible in your Google AdSense account. If you don’t have an AdSense account yet: sign up. This might take some time, Google will have to verify your bank account and your website. You may even get turned down, so make sure your website is decent  looking.
  4. Paste your Publisher code in the Plugin Settings.
  5. Those other settings are dependent on your site. Make sure the ads stand out enough to be noticed, but make sure they don’t break your design.
  6. Save your settings.
  7. Done!

Wait for the money to start rolling in! Good luck.